My kids are appalled that I am asking them to do a little school! I would say I have been VERY lenient!
I had plans of us staying on schedule but as typical me, fun gets in the way and I CAVE!
We all need some simple pleasures of letting it all go! So it is fun to let them get that chance on occasion. Not too mention I ENJOY it!
Somehow my statement that school will be accomplished today has raised their emotions to near anger. Too bad I can't convince them how blessed they are to be homeschooling. We can make up ground without having to add days to our school like everyone else might have to do.
All they can see is the immediate frustration. Not the fact we took off for 3 days. Not the fact they got to play like there was no tomorrow. Not the fact that our make up days are within reach and won't dip into our summer plans! They just don't see what I see.
We can make up ground in a blink of an eye if they will just get after it. We can be back on track in 2 days and not wait for the end of the year. But just like a parent giving a child medicine they don't see in a few minutes their pain will subside. They can only see what is before them and THEY don't like it!
Now, to keep my focus and remember that my children don't see the benefits I see. Nor will they appreciate it until it has passed. And actually they may never see the benefit because they aren't looking for it and they can't comprehend I know what I am talking about. Here is the tough part of parenting...keeping on task even when the revolt! And then not let my emotions jump on the same train they are on.
I am off to encourage the troops while keeping my eyes on the Lord in a house full of frustrated children! You feel my pain?
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