Well…this crazy blog started in 2009. My husband started this whole thing when he came home one day and said, "I think you should blog!" I replied, "Are you crazy!
I am NOT a writer!" Next thing I
know he came up with my name, 'MyShannonigans' (clever isn't he?). Sat down on the couch after work and showed me a blog template! The rest is history...I don’t even know what
happened next, but my fingers and keyboard began communicating.
I guess being a mom to 8 kids I found a need to write, share, and post. It almost
seemed like many of my posts started off as a frustration but then they turned
into encouragement from God’s word and His gentle promptings reminding me of whose I am and what my focus should be. I discovered I NEEDED to blog. (Apparently, 8 kids can cause me quite the dilemma between my wants, desires, and needs!) I found blogging often got me back to where I needed to be...looking to God, instead of my chaos. I've not blogged in a couple of years but feel a big need it is time to jump back in for 2019!
My blog won’t be fancy.
I find the 'blab and post' method works best for me. I will probably horrify my daughters who say I should take the time to fix my pictures, reword my sentences, or think of my timing. My sons are quite possibly oblivious to any of these writings. Even my husband is wise and carefully words anything he shares. I probably should heed their advice, but its just not me. Frankly, if I do any of the above...there will be no posts. (Hence the 2 years I took off.) Hope I don’t offend as these post will be written in 20 minutes or less, barely proof-read, and then BOOM...they are posted! I’m a mom of many with an auto-immune disease which means I need to get rest from time to time. I home schools our kids, while running an essential oil business! If we have any hope of meals on the table, semi-clean home, or a sane mom,
then some of these things will be compromised. Namely...a fancy blog! So the blab and post will continue to be my method.
I’m amiable, yellow personality, or a 9 Enneagram (depending on the personality test you have taken). Once quiet and terribly shy (hid behind my little sister), I learned I needed to think more about others to get me out of my shell.
The Lord's humor gave me 9 kids to learn to be bold, speak up, live
out loud, and yet…stay on my knees! I can’t help but be real sharing our joys,
sorrows, and frustrations. (Yes, I have said we have 8 kids and others time 9...we have a little one in heaven. Miscarriages are hard.) My hope and
prayer is you come away encouraged, feeling you are valuable, not alone, and highly loved by the
If you find something shared to be of encouragement…let me know. I
took a couple years off as life moved us not once but like 6, 7, maybe 8 times since 2016. Definitely NOT what we pictured life to be. Did you know boxing, unboxing, setting up house, finding new stores, setting up electricity, water, trash, new licenses all takes a CRAZY amount of time? Our family has grown, changed, and a booming business created as well! Longing for my normal once again...I'm going back to the basics, blogging! So welcome to 'MyShannonigans'!