Monday, April 8, 2013

Letting It Go...Seeking His Face

Oh! How life can throw us at times.  Yet, when you know Christ why do we let ourselves get to that point?  Because we are human and I have to be reminded where my focus, my dependency, my answers come.  I also have to ask myself at what pace am I moving? 

Selling a house is just not much fun when it doesn't go your way.  As we live in transition (temporary housing) awaiting to see where we land I have to say my faith is being rattled.  Not in a sense I don't know where I will be, THAT is settled!  More of I want it to go one way (work my plan) and it is obvious I am either on the wrong path or walking WAY faster than God. 

Why do we tend to think when things don't just drop in place we question all our steps.  It can make you doubt, question, even almost freeze in your steps.  I even think my neck went out with the anguish of realizing this just might not go my way! 

Although God brought about this move I seem to be jumping WAY ahead.  I've got 8 kids, we have school to do, lives to get settled, people to meet, lives to be touched, and house is not something I want to continue to be focused on.   Trying to rein myself back in and walk in His steps is not easy.  

If God brought about the move then why would I think He would not have housing in control?  Funny...I can trust God with my womb...allowing however many children He wants us to have but let go of housing and apparently that is a big faith step for me.  I guess we all have our issues of faith and they won't be the same!  I am quite sure other people will say, "I'll trust God with my housing but not with how many kids I will have."  You gotta admit we are all so very unique!  And we all tend to put limits on God at some point. 

Being reminded again in my quiet time that God is still God this morning, yesterday, and today.  He began this process of moving us to Tennessee.  Therefore why would I not let go of housing and give it to Him.  If He can move in the hearts of 10 people to all be willing to go (you know THAT is huge), then He can surely solve our housing! 

Looks like our step of faith is being slowed down in the aspect we have to take one step, WAIT, and see where God walks next.  I can tell He is already stirring in me another blog post about the difference in being Smart vs Wise.  Smart need to know the next step before you get there.  Wise move...taking steps when God leads!  As a child of God the wise move is actually the smart move! 

Walking today with eyes upon the Father because I have no idea how housing will work!  But this I do know...He lead us here, He will not leave us here homeless.  He lead us here to live for HIM, He will find us right for HIM. 

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