Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh NO! He Didn't!

Just when you begin to wonder if we have discovered all my toddlers special abilities in coloring on wood cabinets, unscrewing light bulbs, chewing 20 pieces of gum, texting his dad, and NOW....ordering NETFLIX!

Oh, YES! He did!

I wouldn't know what to think but seeing him nearly do it the other day. Sitting in our living room as we were discussing with my sister and parents about how Netflix worked on Wii. Not being able to figure out how to find something my mother jokingly said, "get Brady". It wasn't long before we saw him navigate through the movies. (Did I mention he is ONLY 2!)

Realizing that with a click of the controller you can actually rent a DVD, we laughed and said, "Let's not show Brady this!"

Tonight as we get home from a wonderful evening out, I check the mail. I snicker and said, "Look, someone ordered a Netflix...laughing saying I hope it wasn't Brady!" We walk inside, open the envelope, and to our astonishment...Brady has actually ordered a movie! Pokemon 3 was his movie of choice.

How do we know that HE did it. Because with 5 teens who wouldn't be caught dead watching it, and the other two boys are into Star Wars, Jimmy Neutron, and the outdoor/wilderness guy...that leaves Brady!

Oh yes, we have had a good laugh. Sealed up the envelope and mailing the DVD back tomorrow. And hoping that we keep a closer eye on this amazingly gifted toddler who ASSUMES he is teen with an opinion, at TWO!

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