Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Special Prayer Request

Been a busy, crazy, insane week! Is it ever any different?

From daily household events, to preparing for my 3 daughters to go on mission trips, having a wrist go out (RA), and then preparing for friends to come by and stay a night or two it keeps you jumping! I love it when people come stay! Something about cleaning house, grocery shopping, and picking up after the kids is more enjoyable knowing you get to visit with friends on the other side of running here and there!

Of course, the fact that Barry and I have the same love language of quality time makes it easier. Could be why we tend to have an active house.

You know what I really like?
Having friends from your past show up!
Today, we were privileged to host a friend from years ago. With thirty plus years of memories, common friends, family vacations, and and the fun to reconnect after nearly a decade my heart is happy. At the same time, this time around we reunite as she travels to visit her mom who is fighting cancer. Although the connecting is fun it is heart wrenching to know what is coming.

Her mom went from watching her kids for a week just a month ago while she and her husband were on a mission trip, to finding out that her body has been taken over by cancer 3 weeks ago. They have gone from thinking they had years together, discovering months were left, and now fighting and hoping for a few more weeks.

How is it that life can be so hard?

Would you pray with me for this family?

They have a trip planned for the end of July and we are all praying they will get that time together with their mom and grandma. They lost their dad two years ago and she was able to marry a wonderful man. She has been living the mountain top this past year. But to have this one more moment to create one more memory as a family would be a treasure for each of them.

In the meantime, we will be in awe watching a Godly woman prepare to meet her Father in heaven. She has peace that passes all understanding and has made a lasting impression on many, many lives! What a JOY to walk with this family and love on them at this moment. Thank you for joining us in prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Yes - praying for her and the family. So glad you had some time with J.
