Friday, March 26, 2010

Watching You

There is nothing like a great date with a few good men. I feel slightly guilty that a friend who is pregnant with #8 invited 4 of my kids to spend the night. It is incredibly fun to have friends that have kids that match your own for 'buddy playtime'! Excuse me, I should probably say 'hang time' since some teens are involved!

Grabbing our opportunity to take a few kids out for only $20.00 verses $80.00 we seized the moment!

It was precious time with the man of my dreams and 3 young men. Watching them mimic their dad is this moms dream. From opening doors to holding my hand, carrying a box to letting me go first and then sprinkle in some "I Love Yous" and I was in heaven.

The 8 year old was very eager to make sure I was taken care of during our date night out of eating pizza, shopping at Walmart, and ice cream at McDonald's. He even stepped in front of the sliding door at Walmart so it would open for me (such a gentleman).

Then the 5 year old, not to be out done by his brother, would stand IN the doorway to keep the door from closing to protect his mother (yes, another gentleman). This little guy was content to be by my side until he noticed the other two with their dad and then he announced he was gonna "walk with the men"!

The toddler was overjoyed to be with whoever was the last one NOT to correct him.

Yes, precious moments were had with a mom and 4 guys! As I could walk and enjoy the boys since I had their fathers help I sang songs of praise that their dad walks a life that is worth copying. If we could all understand "They'll be watching you!" How many times would I change my action, tone, or response.

Enjoy this song as it is a GREAT reminder...."I'll Be Watching You"

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