Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dead Man's Drop

This just can't be good....20 month old walks up steps and then 1/2 way up he does a dead man drop backwards (no worries the 6th grader is catching him)! If I could figure out who taught this to him they just might lose their life!

This child has WAY too much confidence in us.

He has now done this about 6 times with the 6th grader telling him, "Don't do it"! But he just laughs and walks right back up those stairs, stands, then falls. UGH! What will he do if we are not there? Does he realize the danger he is in? Does he know that we might not be there one day? Does he see any consequence to his behavior?

Obviously, this will be the first of many parenting moments! I can see 3 choices that we need to make in training.

#1 Do we let him go, warn him of the danger, and then allow him to fall with us buffering the consequences to some degree?

#2 Do we let him go, warn him of the danger, and then continue to catch him every time he wants to do this risky behavior?

#3 Do we let him go, walk away, and let him come to his own conclusions from his fall?

I vote for #1! We let him go, warn him of the danger, and then allow him to fall as we buffer the consequences.

He will feel some fear and we teach him that God will always be there.

He will feel some pain but God is a healer.

Hopefully he will feel some need to ask, seek and observe before he makes another dumb decision to do a 'dead mans drop' off the STAIRS!

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