Sunday, January 31, 2010

Marriages - Are You Investing In Yours?

How are you feeling about your marriage? Things going smooth? Things a little rough? Feeling connected to your spouse? Has the economic issues or the fact we are coming off of Christmas made it seem you haven't connected yet in 2010? (Yes, I still can't believe it is February already!) Are the kids keeping you running and you missing your chance for some alone time? Have you gotten to set some goals or settle some issues?

Barry and I have learned over the years that it is vital for ANY marriage to take time out to connect, plan, and just rest with one another. We need those moments to help smooth out any rough edges that have popped up. Or to FINALLY get our moment to talk without interruptions.

Whether your marriage is fantastic or things are rough, we all need to take time to invest in our marriages! Just like our christian walk, raising kids, working a job or tending our better be working on it. Left unattended the weeds will set in and they can be harsh to get out!

If you have not taken time to build into your marriage...may I suggest NOW is the time!

We have been blessed with the opportunity to work with FamilyLife the past 4 years. If you are not familiar with FamilyLife you may find it to be a huge blessing. From radio programs to conferences they have been a vital role in our family for years!

I remember many days as a stay-at-home mom being trapped because of little ones, colds, or just out numbered as a mom to get out and for 30 minutes I could escape and be encouraged from Family Life! To hear that one phrase that boosted my spirit to finish the day. Or the parenting tip that helped me solve an issue. To know I wasn't the only mom struggling with a toddler or teen. To hear testimonies of those who share from life experiences that touched my soul. Family Life made a difference to me as a mom!

Our hearts are towards marriages and families, so we feel incredibly blessed to have been given the opportunity to work with this ministry that has touched our lives for so long.

If you are at a stage where you know it is time to take a time out as a couple I would love to recommend "A Weekend To Remember"! Spring is coming! Conferences are here! I am amazed to hear story after story of how blessed couples were to get that time alone. You may be at a conference with a thousand or more there, but you will feel like it is just you and your spouse. It will be a time you cherish for years to come.

So take a moment and look to see where the different conferences are being held. Make plans to grab your spouse, maybe even gather a group of friends or others from your church and make a difference in your life and someone elses!

You will be blessed!
Your children will be blessed!
Others that watch a marriage thrive will be blessed!

(Click on the video to the right of the blog and get a glimpse of some marriages that are THRIVING!)

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