Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Passion for Marriages

Tonight before I could end the evening I wanted to add to my blog.

Wanting to make things relevant. Wanting it to be encouraging to others.

And wanting to be real.
When I think of being real it always brings to mind a couple Barry and I adore. I will never forget the first time I met Star about 3 years ago. We were new to Little Rock and I was working on making connections. (I have learned over the years that as a mom it is vital to make connections. I need those for my sanity.) Because of that, this shy girl, gets outside of her comfort zone and mingles. I had gone out with a friend to a ladies gathering and there was Star. She is an amazing woman that you are just drawn too. Yes, she is beautiful...but it is more than just looks. She has what Evie described at the SHE Event, Star is radiant! It doesn't take long for a mom of 5 (6 was on the way at the time) and a mom of 7 (now we are up to 8) to connect! Sheer number of kids gives you common ground real fast! Next thing we know we are attending the same church and involved in the same small group. The last couple of years have been incredible as we have gotten to know this wonderful couple and their family. What is more amazing is hearing their story. When you see them you are captivated by their love for one another, their passion for marriage, and their adoration of their children. It is astonishing to hear it wasn't always that way for them. What I love is that they are an open book. They invite you into their life and they share their ups and downs. Because they are real, you can feel their emotion. As you feel that with them you are then moved at how God can heal the broken! I am privileged to be able to pass on their story to others. We live in a time when marriages are not expected to make it. We aren't taught to fight for it. Here is a couple that fought for their marriage and as a result have an amazing impact on 6 beautiful children and countless friends and family!
Marriage is hard...but worth the fight!

There can be better days ahead!

VIDEO posted in sidebar!

Please pass on to anyone you know that might need encouragement to fight for their marriage!

Follow Star's blog Beautiful Mess

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