Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The little things matter....

Once again Barry and I find ourselves being blessed by others. I think in 19 years of marriage I can only think of only about 6-7 times we have ever celebrated any type of vacation or get-a-way (typically with a child or several kids in tow). So the thought of getting to be alone for our anniversary just doesn't really happen. And yet, we are a content couple. We learned early on to make time for one another even if we don't get away.

Here we were faced with another anniversary and really not sure what we would do. It really didn't matter because whether there is celebration or not, to us, each day we spend together is a celebration. Gifts are rarely exchanged...we know we desire to give each other amazing things but when it comes to it none of it seems very important when finances are so tight. Our best gift we can give to one another is the gift of unconditional love and that just the other person is enough!

We had announced to the kids that mom and dad would be going out. They first grumpled..."again" which I laugh, "What again"? All our going out and running around is juggling some form of 1-8 kids somewhere! When we shared it was our anniversary they were more than happy to help! As the day went on we discovered that God took care of our evening. Someone giving a gift card to dine out and then later someone providing money for a movie. All of it was others giving out of their heart and God used it to bless us one more time. I am sure they have no idea how precious those things were to us. But it really is the little things that make a difference. A night out alone to relax, a chance to walk hand in hand and buy a few homeschool curriculum still needed, a birthday gift for a child, extra time to sit outside and marvel at a wonderful cool August evening and then off to the movies! Our anniversary was awesome! No agenda but to just be together, no time frame, and the thought the kids were well taken care of and tucked in is good.

Whether you are a mom of many or a mom to one take time to grab your moment with your spouse. One rule that has blessed us over the years is when dad comes home there are hugs to be given and hellos to be said but the very next thing that takes place is mom and dad get to chat. Used to be called "couch" time. Ours is often grabbing any room in the house where the kids are not! Sometimes the kitchen, maybe our bedroom, rarely the couch...LOL We get to debrief from our day, see each other face to face, and catch a breath. Rarely do we solve any issues or get to complete our conversation but we are grabbing our moment when we can. The kids have learned to honor that time for mom and dad. We hope they learn that God first, your spouse next, then kids....I am happy that I get to walk this path with a man that so freely gives that we rarely get what 'we' want, but....really.... in turn...we do get what we want....a happy family!

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful! We are there, as well. Making the time together - and isn't it a blessing when God provides something special? :-) Happy Anniversary to you, two!
