You just can't go through life too long as a mom and not reach a breaking point. Trying to keep composure of my own emotions while dealing with a non-sharing, screaming toddler, the uncontrolled laughter of little boys and bathroom humor, the frustration of older brothers with school, chores, and younger siblings and that doesn't even address any of the girls and our issues!
Life can tilt out of balance so quickly and emotions can take over.
I am at that moment in time! The scale has dropped!
Trying to finish what needs to be done after a weekend of a women's conference, tennis tournament and ultimate frisbee tournament, lack of sleep, sore bodies, late nights, and 3 little ones who demand their things NOT be touched by their brother! Then add a little school, college admissions, ACT testing, jobs, balancing a budget, sorting medical bills, planning another womens event and an upcoming surgery for daughter, grocery shopping, and husband leaving town...oh you can see I need to be relying upon the Grace Giver!
- Today, I will take baby steps at accomplishing the task ahead.
- Today, I will walk in prayer looking to my Savior who supplies me grace for the day, hour, and moment.
- Today, I will let God take over since I am at my breaking point.
- And just maybe, TODAY this mom might make it to the grocery store so my children won't think we will die of starvation!
Great post, its a worth while to read, I'll be bookmarking these post, and we'll wait for your next post, thanks for sharing.