I have to share a friends story of living in Hope! This lady isn't just any friend, she was a mentor to me growing up, a living example, a neighbor and my pastor's wife. She was a mom to my friends and a constant reminder about who God and what our walk with Him will be on this side of heaven. Today, she is still singing that chorus that Bro. Bill shared in his message at church yesterday.
My Cancer Is Back
by Jeannie Elliff
After 3 years of clear reports on Dec. 8, 2009 the biopsy showed my breast cancer had returned. Tom was flying home from VA. and I had to tell him on the phone, which made his flight home difficult.
Early that morning I had continued the study I'd begun in I Corinthians. I had studied and spent most of the day meditating on the AWESOME and almost unbelievable phrase in 2:16 "we have the mind of Christ." If it is true...and it is...I will be able to navigate through this trial with Christ's mind and not my pitiful thoughts. Glorious!
The next day I came across 3:23, "and you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God." So, can anything evil touch God or even come into His presence? NO. If this is true....and it is anything evil has to in reality be for the good, because of my position in Christ and Christ in God. Glorious!
A couple of days later as I was slowly progressing through 1 Corinthians (I don't do well reading through quickly) on 12-12-09 I came to 4:2 "it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy. Hmmm. If this is true...and it is, that sounds like an assignment for me. I have been given this "gift" and I need to be a trustworthy steward of it. With all I'm facing,(bi-lateral mastectomy, reconstruction and chemo) I'm going to need buckets of grace and wisdom. I know it's there for me..James 1:5 He gives generously. Glorious!
Then, today, 12-20-09, as I am pondering how the doctors are going to "chop me up", it's no surprise that my dear Lord had me read 1 Cor. 6:19-20. "do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you , whom you have from God, you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God with your body." I know this is true and I so long to bring glory to God these next few months as I take this journey. And because of Christ's resurrected life in me I can. Glorious!
Can you see her walking this path? She isn't alone! Doesn't mean she never has moments of conflict. It does mean that she believes in a God that will not let her go at this alone. She has a God that has purpose with all He asks of us. She is a woman whose faith is well!
Please lift her and her family up as she walks this journey.
Be encouraged if you are walking a difficult road...there IS Hope!
Find more hope and encouragement by following Tom Elliff's blog. Link is on the side bar!
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